Fi Smart Dog Collar

Head of Product Design  ·  2023 – Current



Fi is an activity tracking and GPS-enabled smart collar for dogs with a companion mobile app experience. I've been leading the product design function since 2023, acting in a "player/coach" role. Since joining my responsibilities have included:

  • Implementing a comprehensive design system, including colors, typography, design tokens, and components.
  • Working with engineering to unify the mobile app experience utilizing the new design system.
  • Simplifying and improving the overall mobile app information architecture and UX.
  • Launching several new high-impact features to drive growth and retention.
  • Leading junior designers, running design crits, acting as liaison between cross-functional partners.
  • Optimizing the ecommerce checkout flow.

My Role

  • Head of Product Design

Platforms & Screen Sizes

  • iPhone
  • Android mobile
  • Web

Case studies available upon request.

Project Samples

Home Tab – Pet Summary Framework

Fi Home tab

A flexible, modular dashboard framework that provides live updates on your dog's location, activity, and health. Designed to scale in the future as Fi adds additional activity and health tracking capabilities.

Map View – Live Pet Tracking

Fi Map

A dynamic map view that displays your dog's location in real-time and communicates collar connection status. Includes a "Lost Dog Mode" which enables tracking with more frequent location updates.

Activity Data Views

Fi Map

In-depth data about your dog's activity over daily, weekly, monthly, and annual time frames. Includes steps, walk distance, and strain score – which represents the measure of exertion of your dog.

Battery Usage & Health

Fi Map

Detailed insights into your dog's collar's connection status and battery usage. Displays the impact that different connection modes have on battery life and provides insights into potential technical issues.

Community Tab with Videos

Fi Map

Fi Community is a social network within the Fi app just for dogs. Fi users can share photos, videos, and have discussions.

Future Branded Vision

Fi Map

A future dark mode vision for the Fi app which better utilizes Fi's brand colors: Yellow and Black. Once the mobile apps complete the transition to our new design system it will be easier to implement this change.